Daughters of Canton Delta

Thursday, January 11, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex | The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong
168 Victoria Road, Mount Davis
Hong Kong


At least since the early 19th century, some women in the Pearl River Delta have chosen not to marry, choosing instead to join communities of zishunu 自梳女, or “self-combed women.”

At first, these women moved into all-female houses and took vows to remain celibate; most earned money working in sericulture or in silk weaving and sent some of it home to their natal families. Over time, the practice spread via emigration to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia, and became more varied.  Some of the women became domestics or factory workers, and lived with their employers, in factory dormitories, in apartments or in communities for religious women (some of whom may have been married at an earlier stage in their lives) rather than in communities dedicated to zishunu. In old age, some returned to their natal communities and lived in the home of a brother; others remained in female communities, often cared for by a younger zishunu.

Some view these women as rejecting mainstream Chinese family conventions by women seeking greater freedom and independence; others see them as an option within mainstream culture, which emphasizes a woman’s role as a daughter and member of her extended natal family, rather than as a wife and mother. Either way, the lives of these women represent a fascinating, distinctive and sometimes even heroic phenomenon, and has drawn the attention of scholars, artists, and social activists.

Please join us for this engaging conversation accompanying our exhibition “Daughters of Canton Delta”, curated by the Arts for Good Foundation, where UChicago faculty director Kenneth Pomeranz will discuss the exhibition and these amazing women with Hong Kong artist Kurt Tong and Guangzhou-based artist Chen Jialu.

Kurt Tong

Chen Jialu

Kenneth Pomeranz
Faculty Director
The University of Chicago Campus in Hong Kong

Amanda Sun
Arts For Good Foundation


In-person Event

Program Rundown:
6:30 pm               Guest Check-in and Exhibition Preview
7:00 pm               Moderated Panel with Professor Kenneth Pomeranz
8:00 pm               Event ends


Online Webinar

8:00 pm     Japan | South Korea 
7:00 pm     Hong Kong | Beijing | Singapore 
4:30 pm     Delhi 
12:00 nn    Paris 
11:00 am   London 


About Director’s Pick

From current news, STEM, to arts and history, The University of Chicago Hong Kong Campus Faculty Director and Executive Director share a broad range of interests. The Director’s Pick series catalogs an array of webinars covering various topics that our directors wish to share with our audience. Read More