
Musicus Heritage Alive Concert Series Held at UChicago Campus in Hong Kong

Echoing architect Bing Thom’s campus design concept of “Treehouse of Knowledge”, over 200 music enthusiasts gathered for a unique two-day performance titled “Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Alive Concert” at The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex, The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong on December 4 and 5, 2021.

Jockey Club Musicus Heritage Alive is a three-year program to promote music through heritage. Apart from enjoying a musical repertoire curated by Musicus Artistic Director Trey Lee, the attendees were given an experiential tour on the UChicago Campus in Hong Kong. The concert series highlighted a journey in music and culture which included a guided tour to sample the award-winning campus erected above the Grade 3 heritage buildings that weaves into the contours of Mount Davis. The six concerts were set in unique locations around the campus as part of the audiences’ cultural immersion.

Mark Barnekow (MBA’88), Executive Director of The University of Chicago Campus in Hong Kong, remarked, “The UChicago Campus in Hong Kong is honored to be the partner of the Musicus Fest 2021. UChicago has a deep connection with Hong Kong SAR and Mainland China, and we are enthusiastic about music juxtaposed with our historical and cultural surroundings. It is the first-ever music festival on the UChicago Campus in Hong Kong, and we expect more in the future.”

The performances featured Hong Kong artists including award-winning pianist Rachel Cheung and violinists Brian Choi and Fan Hiu-sing, as well as many instrumentalists from Canada, the Netherlands, and Israel. The concert series successfully achieved its mission to enrich the attendees’ knowledge regarding German Baroque composer JS Bach’s influence on centuries of music from the early days to the mid-20th century.





芝加哥大學香港校園的執行董事Mark Barnekow(MBA’88)表示:「芝加哥大學香港校園很榮幸能夠成為『樂・誼國際音樂節2021』的合作夥伴。芝加哥大學與香港特區和中國內地關係密切,同時我們亦熱衷於將音樂與歷史文化互相結合。這是首個在芝加哥大學香港校園舉辦的音樂活動,我們期待未來會有更多舉辦同類型活動的機會。」

是次音樂會邀請到本地音樂家,包括得獎鋼琴家張緯晴、小提琴家蔡君楊和范曉星,以及分別來自加拿大、荷蘭和以色列的一眾音樂家參與同場演出,讓音樂愛好者對德國巴洛克作曲家巴赫由早期到 20 世紀中期音樂所帶來的影響有更深的認識。